Keep Your Office Safe During COVID-19

Right now, America is being rocked by the novel Coronavirus, and public life has essentially come to a halt. But even during a pandemic, life goes on. So how can we keep our offices and businesses safe during COVID-19? By implementing CDC health recommendations like social distancing and acrylic shields, you can keep your staff and visitors safe and healthy.


Maintaining Social Distance with Sneeze Guards

While some companies are having their employees work remotely from home, many offices require staff members to work on-premise for various reasons. And while self-quarantining is the absolute safest thing to do, working on-sight can still be safe and responsible, if you take the proper precautions.


Social Distancing in an Office

According to the CDC, “limiting close face-to-face contact with others is the best way to reduce the spread of corona-virus disease 2019 (COVID-19).”

By implementing and maintaining social distancing protocols in your office, you can drastically reduce the risk of spreading the novel Corona-virus. Anytime you have employees in your office, you should maintain a social distance of at least 6 feet between people. Wearing a mask can also prevent droplets from spreading from one person to another.

Here are a few ways to make sure you maintain social distancing in your office:

  • When possible, stagger shifts and limit which employees are in the building at any one time to reduce the likelihood of crowding.

  • Use signage to direct people where to line up (if necessary) and space markers to indicate 6-feet distances. Many companies offer “wayfinding” solutions that can ensure employees maintain a safe distance when in elevators or social gathering areas.

  • Discourage eating and drinking in communal areas.


Using Acrylic Shields as Sneeze Guards

The CDC has published protective measures that pertain to all work settings. At the top of their list of recommendations to keep public-facing offices and essential businesses safe and healthy are acrylic shields or sneeze guards.

The CDC says that offices should “install physical barriers, such as clear plastic sneeze guards” whenever feasible in order to “mitigate transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.”

Sneeze guards prevent droplets infected with COVID-19 from spreading from person to person, making them a deeply effective method. To best protect your staff and visitors, it is imperative to update your office’s design and layout with acrylic shields around desks and even in social spaces.


High-quality Acrylic Shields

When looking for acrylic sneeze guards, it is important to ensure that the product you purchase is of high-quality and durability. Depending on the pandemic’s spread, it is possible that these shields will not be a temporary measure. It may be necessary to keep such social distancing measures in place for the foreseeable future. For that reason, it is important to invest in a high-quality solution.

Right Angle Products provides the best acrylic shields on the market. Their sneeze guards offer:

  • Thickness: Each acrylic shield is 3/16 of an inch thick. That means it is thick enough to be sturdy and durable while being thin enough to maintain clear visibility between the partitions.

  • Durability: Every Right Angle sneeze guard is durable enough to resist any wear and tear. These acrylic shields are mar, fingerprint, and scratch-resistant.

  • Customizable Options: When it comes to COVID-19 protections, one size does not fit all. That's why Right Angle offers plenty of customizable solutions for your sneeze guards. You can opt for a clear finish or an elegant frosted finish for more privacy. You can also customize the size of the shield to best suit your office setup!

  • Sanitary Measures: Right Angle sneeze guards contain proprietary technology that makes them bacteria and moisture-resistant. Easy to disinfect, these acrylic shields don’t require much maintenance or cleaning.

  • Light-Weight Strength: Acrylic is a far better option than glass, as it is lighter weight, significantly stronger, and more cost-efficient.

  • Modern Look: Right Angle shields offer a sleek design that is attractive and effectively diffuses light.


You can now order Right Angle Sneeze Guards through the Contract Office Reps of Southern California. As one of the fastest-growing independent sales representative firms in Southern California, we’re working hard to keep you, your employees, and your office visitors safe and healthy during and after COVID-19. Call or email us today to learn more about how to keep your office germ-free.


Safety Products


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